
译词 | 一周热词:中日战略对话、章莹颖遗体、上海自贸区新片区、5G手机面世、电子结婚证…

Yee君 译·世界 2021-03-17

1. 中日重启战略对话

2. 上海自贸区新片区方案发布

3. 章莹颖遗体下落公布

4. 5G手机正式面世

5. 电子结婚证五省上线




strategic dialogue

China and Japan will hold a new round of strategic dialogue on August 10 after seven years, spokesperson for China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs Hua Chunying announced on Wednesday.


Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Le Yucheng and his Japanese counterpart Takeo Akiba are expected to exchange in-depth views on bilateral ties, as well as international and regional issues of concern to both sides.


China hopes the dialogue will enhance mutual political trust and improve bilateral relations.




strategic dialogue  战略对话

counterpart  对应的人或物;副本;配对物

in-depth  adj. 彻底的,深入的

bilateral ties/ relations  双边关系

enhance  vt. 提高;加强;增加




new area of the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone

▲ 2019年8月6日,上海自贸区临港新片区滴水湖畔景观

China's State Council, or the cabinet, has issued an overall plan for the new Lingang area of the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone.


The new area will be set up to the south of Dazhi River, east of Jinhui Port, and south of Xiaoyangshan Island and Pudong International Airport in Shanghai, says the plan.


The district launched first is to cover an area of 119.5 square kilometers, it says.


According to the plan, the new section will match the standard of the most competitive free trade zones worldwide and implement opening-up policies and systems with strong global market competitiveness.


By 2025, the Lingang area will have a relatively mature institutional system of investment and trade liberalization and facilitation. By 2035, it will be built into a special economic function zone with strong global market influence and competitiveness, becoming an important platform for the country to integrate into economic globalization.




the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone  上海自由贸易试验区

competitiveness  n. 竞争力,好竞争

relatively  adv. 相当地;相对地,比较地

liberalization  n. 自由化;自由主义化;放宽限制

facilitation  n. 简易化;[生理] 助长;容易




Yingying Zhang’s remains


The father of a slain Chinese scholar, Yingying Zhang, who begged his daughter's killer to reveal what he did with her remains said Wednesday that after learning her dismembered body might be in plastic bags buried in a landfill under mounds of garbage, he understood that his family may never get to bury her back home in China.



The news conference came days after the family's lawyer, Steve Beckett, announced that he had learned from Brendt Christensen's defense team that Yingying's dismembered body was somewhere in a landfill, giving the family a sliver of hope that it could be found. But Beckett explained in gruesome detail on Wednesday why that might never happen, even suggesting that any remains "could be smaller than a cellphone."


Beckett explained that after Christensen was convicted, prosecutors explained to the Zhang family and their lawyers what Christensen's attorneys said he told them about what he had done.



"He told them after killing her, he placed her remains in three separate garbage bags," Beckett said. He said Christensen told his attorneys that he tossed the bags into a dumpster near his apartment before he disposed of her clothes, cellphone and other of her personal items in dumpsters around the area, which is about 120 miles (195 kilometers) southwest of Chicago.



Sanitation workers emptied the dumpster that purportedly contained the victim's remains a few days later and took the contents to a landfill in the Danville area, where they were compacted "at least twice" before being taken to a private landfill and covered with least 30 feet (9 meters) of trash. He said that although authorities have a general idea of where the remains might be, recovering them would be expensive and difficult.

几天后,环卫工人清空了据称装有遇难者遗骸的垃圾箱,并将其运往丹维尔地区的一个垃圾填埋场,遗骸在那里“至少被压缩了两次”,然后又被送往一个私人垃圾填埋场,上面覆盖着至少 9米厚的垃圾。贝克特说,尽管当局对遗骸的可能位置有一个大致概念,但搜寻遗骸将是昂贵且困难的。



slain  被杀死的(slay的过去分词)

remains  残余物,剩饭菜;古迹,遗迹;遗骸

dismember  v. 肢解,割断手足;分割,瓜分

landfill  垃圾填埋地;垃圾堆

a sliver of hope  一线希望

gruesome /'gruːs(ə)m/  可怕的;阴森的

convict  vt.证明…有罪;宣告…有罪 n.罪犯

prosecutor  检察官;公诉人;[法] 起诉人;实行者

attorney  律师;代理人;检察官;辩护律师

toss  v.抛,投;甩(头);颠簸;摇匀;把(煎饼)颠起翻面;掷硬币决定;(马)摔下(骑手)(非正式)(某地) n.掷硬币决定;猛仰头(表恼怒);投掷

dumpster  大型垃圾装卸卡车;垃圾大铁桶

dispose of  处理;转让;解决;吃光;除掉;卖掉

personal items  个人物品

sanitation /sænɪ'teɪʃ(ə)n/  [医] 环境卫生;卫生设备;下水道设施

purportedly /'pɝpɔtɪdli/  adv. 据称

compact  adj.袖珍的;紧凑的;坚实的;矮小而健壮的;简洁的 n.小汽车;带镜小粉盒;契约 v.把……压实;使简洁;使紧密,压缩;订立(协定)




5G phones officially launch


Sales of 5G mobile phones began in China as soon as the clock ticked past midnight on Monday, as two of the country's biggest online retailers both claimed the very first phone was sold through their platform.


Sina Finance reports that 78-year-old Yang Shiqi placed an order for the ZTE Axon 10 Pro at a physical Suning store in Beijing. Suning says Yang also paid for his 5G data plan and tried it right away.

据新浪财经报道,78岁的杨世琪在北京苏宁实体店下单购买了中兴天机Axon 10 Pro 5G手机。苏宁称,杨世琪还办理了5G数据套餐,并当场试用。

Another report by Sina Tech says JD.com claimed a 5G phone of the same model was shipped from its warehouse at midnight and was delivered to a Beijing customer, identified by her surname Wen, 10 minutes later. JD.com called the order "China's first actual 5G phone for commercial use".

据新浪科技另一消息报道,京东称,零点时分,第一台中兴天机Axon 10 Pro 5G手机从京东货仓正式发出,过了10分钟,北京顾客文女士就收到了快递,这也是国内首台真正意义上售出的5G商用手机。


Apart from ZTE, other major phone makers including Huawei, Xiaomi and OPPO have all announced plans to unveil their 5G phones later this year.


(英文来源:China Plus)


tick  n.记号,钩号;滴答声;一会儿,一瞬间;赊欠;(股票波动点;扁虱;蜱亚目;虱蝇;一文不值的人;褥套 v.标记号,打钩号;发出滴答声;用滴答声记录

retailer  零售商;传播的人

place an order  订货,订购;下单;发出订单

physical  adj.[物] 物理的;身体的;物质的;根据自然规律的,符合自然法则的 n.体格检查

warehouse  n.仓库;货栈;大商店 vt.储入仓库;以他人名义购进(股票)

unveil  vt.使公之于众,揭开;揭幕 vi.除去面纱;显露




electronic marriage certificates

Chinese third-party payment platform Alipay has launched a service for acquiring electronic marriage certificates in five provincial-level administrations.


Users in east China's Fujian, Jiangxi, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, as well as southwest China's Chongqing Municipality, will be able to apply for and receive an e-certificate on mini-programs of local governments on the Alipay application.


A marriage certificate is a valid legal document with numerous functions in China. In addition to proving the legality of a marriage, it is also used for housing purchase loans, birth registrations, property transfers and children's schooling.


But couples often forget to carry their certificates with them when the need arises, so the digital version can serve as a convenient alternative.


The mini-program can also provide other marriage services such as appointments for marriage registrations or marriage information verification.




municipality /mjʊ,nɪsɪ'pælɪtɪ/  市政当局;自治市或区

mini-program  小程序

in addition to  除...之外(还有,也)

housing  房屋;住房供给;[机] 外壳;遮盖物;机器等的防护外壳或外罩

schooling  学校教育;学费

alternative  adj.供选择的;选择性的;交替的 n.二中择一;供替代的选择




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